Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wavves - New Music

According to the 'kings of what is indie' Pitchfork - Wavves new album comes out tomorrow on itunes.

The album is streaming online at the moment, and sounds incredible!

Their first album was a huge hit, with its extremly lo-fi surf guitar pop songs. It's a really great listen - I actually remeber the first time I listend to it was while waiting at lauramat, terribly hung over, eating pineapple lumps and drinking cheap grape soda. It some sorta lame segway - that way the album sounds like - a dizzying poppy sugar high, mixed with part nausena, tiredness and boredom.

Nathan Williams the main man behind Waaves recently stated that he didn't want to make the same album twice. And he has clearly done that with a move away from the basement-style low-fi recordings, to something a bit more approacable. From first listen the band have definately been able to keep their solid core, without falling into the "Interpol Trap" of making albums with the same style on numerous occassions. Indeed the addition of member of Jay Retards (RIP) band have definately lifted the sound from the basement doddling of a solo project to a slighlty more expasive feel.

Green Eyes is one of many favourites so far - its simple opening riff and adorable opeing lines "Green Eyes i'll run away with you" "Green eyes cause i'm a fool" I tried running away i'm just not fast enough i'm just not fast enough - before launching into a huge sound bombardment with a driving guitar line - through the contrasting hook "my own friends hate my guts..but i don't give a shit". If you like guitar pop, YOU will love this...

Listen below - and keep an eye out for the album "King of the beach"

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