Thursday, July 22, 2010

Team Dynamite!!

Yesterday I had to go to the Red Bull Sessions in Freemans Bay to write an article for a friends Magazine (Presence - check it out online - on my about me section). The group playing where 'Team Dynamite" who I had never heard of. But what a pleasent surprise. The hip-hop quartet where a pleasure to listen to. While its often easy to rave on about the 'unheard' indie rock bands in Auckland's, underground, its often easy to forget the good hop hip groups out there who are doing it solely for the music, and doing it well. Lets just say Midnight Youth are to Die! Die! Die! what Young Sid is to David Dallas, or Homebrew. Now add Team Dynamite to the list.

As they stated on Myspace they liken themselves to “what Milo and Ottis would sound like if they could flow.” This comes out in the group’s work which don’t sound deliberately created, but rather stumbled upon whilst pursuing some daily adventure. Their laid back jazzy beats, and MC delivery has reminiscent of early ‘A Tribe Called Quest’, if ‘A Tribe Called Quest’ came from Mount Albert with a mischievous sense of fun.

Check out Pe-Knuckle - or download their demo album available free via their website - I dare you not to rap along!

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