Friday, August 20, 2010

Wavves Review

A relaively disjointed review of the new Wavves album I did for Craccum. Guess thats what happens when you try to be clever in every single paragraph...


King of the Beach

Fat Possum

Remember how good Nevermind was until you found out about the whole emo Nirvana thing? Remember how typical 90s production and lyrical vagueness imprinted each song in your consciousness? King of the Beach provides a similar experience. Sonically, the comparability is limited to pop power choruses with a predominant low-fi, surf-rock ethic, however the albums are equal in spirit.

Opener “King of the Beach” bursts in with a huge riff that the album is riddled with. Nathan Williams’ recent public breakdowns have done nothing to dent his outspoken, confrontational style, with lyrics oozing rebellion. Most exemplary is “Idiot” on which he screams “I won’t ever die, I’m a hero in my mind.”

With former Jay Retard band members entering into the fray, the production is enhanced from his ‘take it or leave it’ basement style recordings of earlier albums, yet the chest thumping power chords which landmarked early singles like “So Bored” and “No Hope Kids” are retained. New additions to the song-writing mix include Beach Boys melodies (see “Baby Say Goodbye”) as well as a hint of Animal Collective in “Mickey Mouse.”

In an album littered with highlights, the summit is reached with the trio of “Post Acid,” “Idiot” and “Green Eyes.” “Post Acid,” the first single, is two minutes of low-fi glory, while “Idiot” allows Williams to address and ultimately ignore his critics. Next up is the gorgeous love song “Green Eyes” which covers not only an ode to a crush, but also an expression of mutiny to everyone else.

King of the Beach may not break new ground but it’s certainly one of the stronger albums of the year. Although “all his friends hate his guts,” Williams doesn’t “give a fuck,” with his love of the riff and pop dynamics conquering any haters out there.

Williams admits he’s an idiot, but his low-fi revolt and simple pop song-writing makes King of the Beach the epitome of expressive idiocy.


Too dumb to fuck

- Alaister Mughan

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